We have the Capability to fly and access various parts of Ethiopia with our fleet of reliable Cessna Grand Caravans and Bell 407. Unique configuration of the airplanes to land in remote areas has enabled AFS to fly to the most inaccessible parts of Ethiopia.

Air Ambulance

Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

Instrument Ratings (IR)

Multi Engine Ratings (ME)

Instructor Ratings

Aviation Academy

Charter Flights

Aerial Survey

Aerial Application

Aerial Photography and Filming

Air Charter Services

Core Services

Air Charter Service

Abyssinian Flight Services strives to deliver quality, consistency and the highest level of professionalism to our customers. From our state-of-the-art Garmin G1000 equipped Cessna Caravans to utilizing the latest safety technology, to the superior training of our pilots, AFS makes no compromise when it comes to securing your safety and no excuses when it comes insuring your peace of mind. (more…)

Aviation Academy

Probably one of the biggest achievements of Abyssinian Flight Service’s existence is our establishing the first private Pilot Training school in Ethiopia. We have trained and graduated several pilots with both PPL (Private Pilot License) and CPL (Commercial Pilot License) with MR(Multi-Engine Ratings). (more…)

Aerial Photography & Filming

We have extensive experience flying for international news documentary film makers over vast and diverse Ethiopian highlands, active volcanic landscapes, rivers such as the Nile river and for many types of survey projects. Our customers find the Cessna Caravans a very stable, comfortable and safe platform for such projects over seemingly unreachable land mass while appreciating the low per hour cost even as they enjoy the peace of mind of flying in one of the safest airplanes fling today. (more…)

Nobody Takes you to More destinations in Ethiopia. Nobody!!
Additional Services

Aerial Survey

With so much to explore in all aspects of the Ethiopian Investment arena be it in large scale farming, road construction, oil and mineral explorations, or any investment possibility requiring aerial flight assessment, ….

Flying for Humanitarian Organizations

AFS has been at the fore front of humanitarian services since we began operation 19 years ago. We were the first Ethiopian air charter company to fly Non-Government aid organizations to the affected drought areas of Ethiopia in 1999 having transported thousands of air workers and tons of food and medical supplies.

Air Ambulance(Medicaical Evacuation)

Since it began operations 19 years ago, AFS has rescued many patients with all kinds of injuries and flown them for better medical attention within and outside Ethiopia. We are privileged to provide this unique service with our Cessna Caravan/Grand Caravans equipped with multiple stretchersat …..

Meet our team

Capt. Solomon Gizaw

Founder and Managing Director

Capt. Amare Gebrehana

Deputy Managing Director

Capt. Amare Abay

Head of Flight Operations

Zegeye Desalegn

Manager Quality Assurance

Bole Subcity, Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
Tel. +251-116-620622/23/24
Fax: +251-116-620620
Email: info@abyssinianflights.com